WOW...these past few months are really starting to catch up with me!! My adventures on the baking front have been relatively non-existent, while the my personal life has been one thing after another to deal with.
This is not an excuse for my lack of updates, just a poor explanation for my absence.
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season so far. I must say, I really do love this time of year. The lights and the snow just make everything so pretty (when the snow isn't over your head, at least!) I even love putting together my Christmas list, going out into the crowds of holiday shoppers and wrapping presents up with pretty paper. It's just a great time of the year! And, miraculously, DH has the actual day of Christmas off. I really can't wait :)
Has anyone tried their hand at the Perfect Icing recipe? I managed to alter it and give it a little Christmas twist this past weekend! While the milk was warming up, I added a cup of white chocolate chips and stirred until everything was melted. Then added the flour and followed the usual steps. To the final mixture, I substituted the vanilla extract for peppermint and the final result was a perfectly minty topping to some dark chocolate cupcakes! Yum!
I know many of my readers are bakers, especially around this time of year! What are your favourite holiday treats? And what are you planning to bake this year? Do you bake for yourself or as gifts for family and friends? I'd love to hear all about it! :)
And a huge thanks to each and every one of you for your continued support, even when I'm AWOL :) I really appreciate it!!
Happy Baking!
For Goodness Sakes, Look At Those Cakes
5 years ago